Monday, July 7, 2014

The Facebook Explination

I am really touched by the support I am getting from people on facebook after I decided to limit my page to private.  Yesterday was not a great day for me.  Over the years I have been "unfreinded" for voicing my opinion.  It seems I am everybody's favorite class clown as long as I act like one, but occasionally something will touch me in a way that I feel I need to share with others.  The Fox news article I posted yesterday was one of them.  Call me crazy, but there are certain people I simply expect more from.  I expect my president, who I voted for, I supported, and I expected huge change from, to at least put in an effort, no matter what, until the bitter end.  I don't expect everything to turn out perfect; however, I have the right to expect to see my leader doing his very best to hang in there regardless.  If Obama was doing all he could in the face of this crumbling nation, I would not be nearly as upset. But, to see that he has flippantly given up with more than a year left of his term in office, to hear that he is skipping out for coffee, bored at meetings, and throwing parties to talk about football, infuriates me.  I absolutely have the right to call it like I see it.  So I did.  I called Mr Obama, Marie Antoinette. His "so sue me" statement is, in my opinion, the equivalent of "Let them eat cake." I told him I thought he was a punk.  I told him to just friggin' leave.  If he's blowing off his job anyway, just leave.  I asked him why he bothered to run for the second term and posted this statement with a Fox news article explaining exactly what has been going on.

What happened was, I was un-friended for this statement.  I am perfectly okay to follow and be friends with, as long as I am not passionately pro or con something.  But, I showed disrespect for someone that they thought deserved my respect no matter what.  Because of this, instead of simply scrolling through to the next fool pooping sunshine, she un-friended me with the explanation as to why, stated above.  Obviously, even one single idea that does not coincide with her idea path is grounds for divorce.   
This is interesting, since only a couple of weeks before, she posted passionately about gun control and bullet proof blankets that had been passed out to her grandchildren in school.  We had a light debate about our position on gun control, but I walked away from the conversation because we just weren't going to see eye to eye and she was not in the position to hear what I was saying, she wanted validation only,not debate.  If I would have supported her blindly, all would be good between us I think.  But, this was just her thing.  I was angry for a few minutes because I was absolutely not able to understand why she was unable to even consider my point of view, but there was no "un-freindings" on my part, over the situation.  After a couple of minutes, I was liking her subsequent posts and all was as it should be.
My post yesterday did not even get a debate (which I welcome--not because I like to fight, but because I NEED to hear other people's thoughts and by discussing it between each other we might be able to understand why the radicals are so damned radical).  I just was dropped for questioning someone, calling them a name, and showing blatant, righteous anger while I did it.  
This will be the third person in a year that has un-freinded me because of a post.  All of them were real-life friends that I enjoyed and all of them happen to be very liberal politically.  Here's the thing, these liberal people post about love, peace, harmony, acceptance, tolerance, but when it comes right down to it, they have none of it when it really matters.  When they are faced with a situation that requires tolerance and understanding, they run. Their open mind and acceptance is simply a show, or only limited to a specific few that they feel deserve it more than others.  This is not only sophomoric, but dogmatic and could be defined as flagrant intolerance.  Very Bigot-like even.  Oh, there's a word that will lose me some friends.  

The hypocrisy demonstrated over and over and over was the basis for my decision.  Facebook was putting me in a bad place.  It was making me feel like I was wrong when I know I was not entirely wrong.  I could have cleaned up my mouth, given myself time to cool off before pointing fingers and calling Mr Obama names.  I did take some of what she said to heart and I did edit my post to at least be a bit more professional and less "angry playground."  But, it is what it is.  I was feeling unlikeable and depressed and I don't have the fortitude to observe that kind of hypocrisy on a regular basis.  It makes me sad and angry and eventually abusive and hateful. 

So, welcome to my blog.   

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