Sunday, January 15, 2012

My daddy...

Sigh.  What a week.
Last Sunday, my mom called me up and asked me if I could come help shave dad.  I was working and since it was just a shave, I asked if she could wait until I finished.  No one mentioned anything out of the ordinary.  A little while later, she called and asked if Curt could come over and help put in the new faucet.  Curt wasn't home at the time, so I had to turn mom down again...sigh...again no one mentioned anything out of the ordinary.  A little while later, Mom called and asked me if I had a can or 2 of mushrooms and if I could send Lucas down with them.  Lucas had the flu bug and had been throwing up, so I refused to let him go, but sent Yaya down for a quick drop off. Again, no one said anything to me out of the ordinary.  About 2:30, mom called to ask me if I would please come down and help dad gt dressed because she had called the ambulance.
what?  I mean, all morning I had heard dad in the background talking and fussing like he does when he feels especially good.  I had no idea something had happened.  it turns out he had a bloody nose since about 8:00 that morning.
I ran over there and sure enough, his nose was dripping rather steadily and he had quite a bit in his bedpan.  I helped him get his shirt on, and his pants, but I could see he was having trouble breathing and he really did not want to be without his O2 for more than a second or 2.  Despite this, he got himself into his wheelchair and went out to the garage to get into the ambulance himself.  It was the Dallas ambulance that came, and they are not equipped with a decent sized gurney, so getting him on it was an ordeal and he was getting weaker by the minute.  It was plain he had lost way to much blood and his breathing was terrible.  We went to Barron.
Mom and I really had no idea what was going on.  Honestly, dad just had a bloody nose.  We expected a quick fix, but all the moving around he did getting into the ambulance and the ride must have exacerbated the bleeding and according to the doctor, he had filled a bedpan and several washcloths with blood.  He is a DNR status, so the issue came up with what we wanted to do.  According to his status, he wished to just let nature take its course, get comfortable and die, which is what would have happened, but he was quite lucid and when asked if he wanted to be intubated so he could breathe better, he consented.  The doctor was very clear that the situation was grave.  Dad is unable to fit in the helicopter, so they flew in the crew from Rodchester to ride in the ambulance to Luther.  At this point, he was sedated and vented.  The doctor said it was unlikely he would make the trip to Eau Claire alive.

He did though and when we got there he was stable.  His INR was over 7 which was the cause of his bleeding and he had aspirated a lot of blood which is why he wasn't able to breathe.

to make a long story short, it has been a week of sedation and being ventilated.  They have tried to wake him up and extubate him 3 times and every time he has failed.  either his blood pressure goes up or he can't breathe.  We are in limbo and I hate seeing dad suffer every time they wake him.

One bit of good news is, the other day when things were so grim, Mom mentioned that dad had said on a couple of occasions that he wanted to be baptized.  As soon as I heard that, I called the pastor and he came up and performed a baptism right then and there.  it really was wonderful.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your dad! How is he now? :/

    ~LilyChan - swap-bot (Follow My Blogger Blog! - swap)

    1. He passed away on the 16th of January. One month to the day after his 68th birthday. I just was never able to write about it. I guess its obvious I should give this blog some attention :)
